Flip A Coin: A fundamentally inappropriate proposal?

Flip A Coin: A fundamentally inappropriate proposal?

Have you ever flipped a coin as a way to decide something with another person? The answer is probably yes. And you probably assumed that you are getting a fair deal, because, as everyone knows, a coin is equally possible to show a head or tail even after a flip - as long as It is not shaved or weighted or a week's smear on coffee is its underbelly.

So when your friend keeps a coin on his thumb and says "call it in the air", then you feel that it really does not matter if you lift your head or tail. Each person has a preference, of course - the head or tail can feel "lucky" - but logically the possibilities are the same.

Flip A Coin,coin flip,toss

or are they?

Granted, everyone knows that the new minced coins are born with small flaws, minute deviation started by the construction process. Everyone knows, over time, wearing a coin and laminating, scratches, ding, dents, bacteria, and finger-grease will lift. And everyone knows that these flaws can affect the physics of the coin flip, prejudice the results by some infinite amount which we ignore in practice.

But assume that this is not so.

Let's assume that the coin has been completely fabricated, to the last vigintillionth of a yoctometer. And, because it is possible for a person to train a thumb to change a coin, as it comes over the head or a large percentage of the time tends, let's assume that the person who flings the coin is not a magician or a prestidigitator is. In other words, let's say both an ideal coin and an honest toss, as you can meet with a friend to decide who pays for lunch.

In that case, there is a right and wrong answer to the centuries-old question ...

The Strategy of Coin Flipping heads or tails?

... because the two results of a specific coin flip are unlikely to be the same.

The 50-50 offer is actually greater than the 51-49 proposal, if not worse. The sacred coin displays flip (at minimum) a big 1% bias, and possibly too much. 1% cannot seem to be much, but it is more than the specific casino edge in the game of sticks or slots. What's more, you can take advantage of this little-known fact to give yourself an edge over all future coin-flip battles.

Coin Physics

In the 31-page Dynamical Bias in the Coin Toss, Persian Diaconis, Susan Holmes, and Richard Montgomery completed the theory and practice of coin-flipping to a degree, which is fine, well disappointing.

To say that their vision involves a lot of physics, many maths, speed-capture cameras, random applications and an automated "coin-flipper" device capable of flipping a coin and producing 100% of the time is.

Coin Flipping Here are the broad strokes of his research:

1. If the coin is tossed and caught, then she has about 51% chance of landing on the same face, which she had launched. (If it starts in the form of a head, then 51% is likely to end it in the form of a head).

2. If the coin is tossed but is tossed, then it can be more than 50% greater chance of ending with a heavy side. Kata coins can display "huge bias" (some kata coins will fall from tail to 80% of the time).

3. If the coin is tossed and the floor is allowed to climb, it probably connects randomness.

4. If the coin is tossed and allowed to climb on the floor where it revolves, as it happens occasionally, then the above spinning bias probably comes into play.

5. A coin will land on its edge around 6000 edges at around 1, which will create a  flipistic singularity.

6. The same initial coin-flipping position produces a flip result of the same coin. That is, there is a certain amount of determinism to flip the coin.

7. A more solid coin toss (more revolutions) reduces bias.

The figure of 51% in campus 1 is slightly curious and, when I first saw it, I thought it was a minor bias that came to the connotation that more than "tail" in the "head" of coin There is decoration, from which it is made. It's heavy. But it has been found that this type of imbalance does not have any effect until you move the coin on its edge, in which case you will see a huge bias. The reason is that a typical coin toss is of 51-49 and there is nothing to do with the inequality of the coin of 50-50 and everything happens with every amount of coin that the coin revolves in space.

When you start counting from 1, a good way to think about it is to see the ratio of odd numbers to even numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

No matter how long you count, you will find that at any point, one of the two things will be true:

  • You have touched odd numbers more than even numbers

  •  You have touched odd numbers and even numbers equal Will never happen, this is:

  • You have touched more numbers than odd numbers.

Similarly, consider a coin, which is launched in the "head" position, the head is fluttering over the tail through either:


At any given time, either coin would have spent equal time in Heads and Tales States or had spent more time in head states. Separate it in one, it is a bit more likely that the coin shows the heads in time - whatever the coin is caught, in it too. And on the contrary, if you start coin-flip from the tail position.

The Strategy of Coin Flipping

Unlike the article on the edge in the first-mentioned blackjack  game, I have never seen the description of "coin flipping strategy" which takes the above science into account. When this is a true 50-50 toss, there is no strategy. But if we accept it, or at least possible, that a coin flip actually displays 1% or more bias, then the following rules of thumb may apply.

Flip A Coin,coin flip,toss

A strategy of Coin Flipping

1. If possible, always keep Chaucer. This allows you to take advantage of Campus 1 or Campus 2 for those additional percentage points.

2. If you can, always stay tosser. This protects you from virtuoso coin-flippers who are able to take advantage of Campus 6 to produce desired results. This protects you from randomness added (read: fairness), which is presented by flippers without any rhyme or reason, before reversing the coin in the palm before it appears. Tricky Boobs

3. Do not allow to toss and choose the same person. Unless, of course, that person is you

4. If the coin is being tossed, and you are the selector, always choose the side that is facing initially. 
According to Campus 1, you will always choose the side that is facing at the beginning, but most people, after tossing a coin, before disclosing it, inverted in your second palm. Therefore, you choose the opposite side, but you get the same 1% profit. Of course, if you know that a particular flipper does not do this, then use your best judgment.

5. If you are a tosser, but not a selector, sometimes after holding the coin, reverse the coin in your second palm, and sometimes do not do this. It protects you from those who follow the eyes of Rule 4 blindly, assuming that you will reverse the coin or you will not.

6. If the coin is being tossed rather than tossing, then always pick whichever light it is. On a typical coin, there will be more "stuff" on the "Heads" portion of the coin, with which the tail should be shown more often. In this situation, picking a tail is usually a power play.

7. Never agree to spin the coin in any situation if you are not a selector. This opens you for a devastating attack if your opponent knows about Campus 2.

Coin flip magic ritual

When you have a really important decision to do, what do you do? I do not know about you, but I use a very deep and complex magic ritual:

I bounce the coin!

Of course, I'm a little ridiculous here, but the truth of the matter is that I resort to Flip Coin as one of the magical rituals of my choice when I have to make an important decision.

Why? Because I think the Universe knows better than me, which decision is most suitable for my needs and desires, so I directed the coin to be "right" decision.

Why Trust the Important Decision for This Silly Magic Rite

This magic ritual is definitely a little tight for big decisions, I will grant you, but for the fact that you have to see the coin toss:

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A channel through which the universe communicates with us.

This is a way to provide very clear guidance for the universe. After all, coin toss can only be two choices, head or tail.

Even the stupidity of the coin boom also works in favor of it. This neutrality takes the pressure of decision, so to speak, to speak. If you really use the complex magic ritual which makes a lot of planning and makes great efforts to do, then you can also "invest" in the result. Apart from this, a ritual that takes a lot of planning, gives you many opportunities to "skew" the results with your energy of fear, anxiety, and anxiety.

Most importantly, a coin toss is an indication that you "rely on the process," so to speak. By submitting an important decision for a simple simplicity magical ritual like a coin toss, you are announcing that:

1. To provide clear and correct guidance, the universe

2. You're own ability to follow that guidance

Coin toss creates magic ritual trust

The Universe clearly gives us clear and correct guidance, but the answer that we often get is not what we need to hear, at least at that moment. That's why we make other guesses ourselves, perhaps by tossing coins second or third or resorting to a magic ritual, which results in more open subjective interpretation, such as meditation with a fire bowl.

But if you really want to learn to rely on the process, toss at least one important decision of life. If you manage to see the decision based on guidance from coin toss rituals, then you will be surprised at the turn and turn of your way, and there will be no doubt about the result.

Do you risk it? I hope that ... believe what magic is!

Flip A Coin: A fundamentally inappropriate proposal? Flip A Coin: A fundamentally inappropriate proposal? Reviewed by MOR on February 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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