History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival

History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival

Holi is an ancient festival of India and originally known as 'Holika'. There are detailed descriptions of festivals in religious acts such as Jaimini's Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras. Historians also believe that the festival of Holi was celebrated by all Aryans, but in the earlier part of India too,

History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival

It is said that Holi existed centuries before Christ. However, the meaning of this celebration has long been known to have changed for a long time. Earlier married women had worshiped the family for their happiness and welfare and full moon (Raka).

Moon Month - There are two ways to measure 'purnimanta' and 'amanta'. Previously, the first day starts after the full moon; And then after the new moon. Even though Amata's calculation is now more prevalent, it has been practiced in full-time in earlier days.

According to this complete, Falgun Purnima was the last day of the year and the new year was declaring spring-Ritu (next day with spring). Thus Holika's full moon festival gradually became a festival of making and announced the spring start. Perhaps the other names of the festival of Vasant-Mahotsav and Cama-Mahotsav can tell.

Ancient texts and inscriptions reference

In addition to detailed descriptions of Vedas and Puranas like Narada Purana and Bhavishya  Puranas, there is mention of Jamini Mimansa of Holi festival. The Holikotsav is mentioned in 300 BC pre-Islamic inscriptions found at Ramgarh in the Vindhya region. King Harsh also mentions Holi kotav in the work of Ratnavali, written in the 7th century.

Famous Muslim tourists - Olbuni also mentioned about Holi Kok in historical memoirs. Other Muslim writers of that period have said that Holikotsav was celebrated not only by Hindus but also by Muslims.

History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival

References in ancient paintings and murals

There is also a reference in the old temple idols of Holi festival. A 16th-century sculpture is a sculpture in the temple of VijaiNagar, the capital of Hampi, which shows the pleasant appearance of Holi. In the painting, the princess and her princess, in the row, dip the Royal couple in colorful water, standing in the female waiting for syringes or pixars.

Ahmednagar painting from the 16th century is on the theme of spring song or music. It shows a royal couple sitting on a massive swing, while the girls are playing music and wearing colors with pics.

There are many other paintings and statues in the temples of medieval India which illustrate Holi depiction. For example, Mewar painting (about 1755) shows Maharana Maharaj with his courtroom. While the ruler gives gifts to some people, there is a dance of joy and a tank filled with colorful water in the middle. Also, the lighter miniature shows the King sitting on Tuscany and some girls are putting guys (colorful powder) on them in the upper balcony.

Mythology and mythology

In some parts of India, especially in Bengal and Orissa, Holi full moon is celebrated as the birthday of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (AD 1486-1533). However, the word 'Holi' literally means 'burning'. There are many legendary stories to explain the meaning of this word, most importantly the mythology related to the monster king Hiranyakashipse.

Hiranyakaship wanted to worship only everyone in his state, but for his great disappointment, his son Prahalad became a devotee of Lord Narayana. Hanyakasuppe ordered his sister that Holika Pralhad would have firefighters with firefighters. There was a boon on Holi so that she could not fire herself without any kind of harm. However, she does not realize that the boon only works when only entering the fire. As a result, she gave her a price for her sinful will, and Prahlaad was saved by God's grace for his extreme devotion. Therefore, the festival celebrates the triumph of good and victory of devotion.

The legend of Lord Krishna is also added to the color because he has painted his beloved Radha and other Gopi colors and started the tradition of color. Gradually, the drama has increased popularity with the people and has become a tradition.

There are also other mythological stories related to Shiva and Kamadev's stories and mythological festivals like Ores Fumes and Pootana. All indicates good victory over evil - giving the philosophy of celebration.

History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival History of Holi - Holi History, Holifestival Reviewed by MOR on March 20, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Amazing work! This post was really very informative. Find creative Holi wishes to wish your family and friends.


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