Motivational Story - Your Strength

Motivational Story - Your Strength

Motivational Story - Your Strength

One day a young man stood near a huge river. He wanted to cross the river, so he waited for a fleet to cross it. After a few minutes, a fleet got along the banks of the river and the young man caught a fisherman. They said, "Will you please me? I want to cross the river, but I can not, and fortunately, you have come here, can you bring me there and I will pay you for it." The fisherman brought him to that land again.

On the river journey, he interacted. The young man asked, "Do you know about computers? This is the most important technique nowadays." And the fisherman confused and replied, "I am not." Listening to the man, the young man said, "If you do not know anything about the computer, it means that you have spent 2/5 of your life in vain." The fisherman did not comment at all. After a moment, the young man asked the fisherman, "Can you speak fluent English or at least you know a bit about it?" And once again, the fisherman responded, "I am not. I can only speak the native language." Then the young man proudly said, "English is spoken throughout the world. If you are not able to speak English, then you have spent 3/5 of your valued life." The young man continued asking the question, "Do you understand about accounting? It is very important to manage our finances." The fisherman responded a little and furious, "I've never learned about him, so I do not understand what you mean." And the youth said, "If you are doing not find out about accounting, then you'll pay 4/5 of your life vainly. Every person should know it without any exception." The fishermen remained calm. He did not care what he said.

Halfway to the destination, there was a severe storm and rains. They were both wet because there was no shelter in the fleet, so the fisherman had kept the fence open and the young man started getting cold. The rain and the storm fell heavy and suddenly, cracks broke and broke. The young man was very scared because he knew that he would be drowned before reaching that land. Knowing about it, she started crying a bit. Then the skilled worker asked him seriously, "Can you swim?" The young man answered with a sad heart, "No. I can not." The fisherman said with sadness, "You are unlucky today, young man. I tell you, if you can not swim, it means that you spent 5/5 (all) wasted due to your disability of swimming Are. " You can not help much "Then the fleet finally sunk into the bottom of the deep river. The fisherman swims on the ground and the youth got drowned because he could not swim.

Message to readers:

Every person has their own strength or expertise. The power of one is probably different from others. We must know that we can not master everything in this world. It is impossible to learn all things because it will confuse us and it is useless. It is better to master one or more things that are considered important or necessary for us. Unfortunately, many people like to compare themselves with the strength of everyone. They continuously underestimate themselves and see their weakness rather than their strength.

Let us take an example. A computer expert than a doctor We can not say that computer specialists are better than doctors or otherwise, because their mastery of everything is very different. The computer expert is great in computer science and the doctor specializes in medical science. The computer expert is no more than a doctor because a computer expert knows nothing about medical things and doctors are not more than computer experts because doctors do not know everything about computers. That's why they have their own strength and weakness.

Another example is the young man in the story above. They claimed that they have information about computers, English and accounting. He felt better than a fisherman. A fisherman who does not know any of the - computer, English, accounting - was alive only because he could swim. So do not pay attention to our weaknesses, but just focus on your strengths and use it so that we can move forward. Maybe we are good at something, and on the other side, we are bad at other things. It's fine, this is normal for you and everyone because we can not be perfect to know all things in this world. Whether we want to improve our weaknesses.

Remember, just focus on our strengths. You do not compare anyone's strengths. Someone probably does not know what you know well. So use your strengths for your benefit. Do not consider yourself less and weaker than anyone else. It will put yourself in danger and will give you less self-esteem. Increase your self-esteem by increasing your strength and always make improvements so that you are better and stronger than before.

Tip: Take a paper and write your strength that others do not have or do not write that you are proud. The more your strength, the better it will be. Do not waste your time to focus on the power of others. Take your attention to being the best in your area or your life.


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Motivational Story - Your Strength Motivational Story - Your Strength Reviewed by MOR on March 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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