The 10 Most Influential Internet Marketers (Part 1)

The 10 Most Influential Internet Marketers (Part 1)

This article could be a subjective list of the 10 most influential net marketers. I could easily add more than ten marketers, but I had to draw the line somewhere. Therefore, if you do not see your favorite Internet marketer on the list, please do not be angry. I deliberately excluded those individuals who are known primarily for a particular talent.

For example, copywriting and SEO. I wanted to admire those people who are known as great markets - first and foremost. And when this list is subjective, debating against any selection included in the list will be very difficult for anyone, because they have all proved to be excellent and have stood in the temporal examination of time.

1. Jack Abraham's Hidden Property, Unseen Opportunities and Unseen Prospects, The Untimely Ability to Increase Business Income, Money and Success has gained the attention and respect of CEOs, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs, and marketing experts. JK customers are from business royalties to small business owners. But there is one thing in all of them - virtually everyone has benefited greatly from the expertise of Jai. Many customers accept that Jay's efforts and ideas have increased the profit of millions of dollars. [See our testimonial page]

J has identified patterns that restrict and restrict business development. It is only one of the few people who feel that most industries only know and use a particular marketing approach - even if there are dozens of more effective and beneficial strategies and options available to them.

Jai shows his clients how to take different success concepts from different industries and adapt them in their specific business. This gives JK customers a powerful advantage over their competition.

J has been accepted as a unique and specialized authority in the field of business expansion - and maximization and multiplication of business assets. He has been featured twice on the first page in the Investor's Business Daily and in Leaders and Success Sections - J said, "Know how to increase results with minimal effort" at intervals the March vi, 2000 issue of Forbes Magazine, J Has been listed mutually of the highest five govt coaches within the country, that states that JE's specialty is "Marketing and sales of company underperformers resurgent at intervals the circle. "

In addition, JE has been written in the USA nowadays, NY Times, la Times, Washington Post, metropolis Chronicle, unlisted security Journal, National Underwriters, bourgeois, Success and In Magazine, and many others. [See our press article]

They have more than 10,000 personal business success stories from around the world. Many of the world's leading trainers and consultants have demanded advice and consultation of Jay in raising their organizations.

As a proven business leader with energy and vision, J has demonstrated the critical potential of encouraging thinking and execution of true success in strategy, innovation, marketing, and management in all 4 key areas of performance enhancement. He understands how to focus attention on the uptake leverage in an organization, whereas negative risks are effectively controlled and minimized. He understands implications, correlations, applications, opportunities and weaknesses in a given situation from a "CatScan" perspective, which is more than rare.

He sees undiscovered opportunities, hidden assets (both tangible and intangible), and nobody knows the areas which are vulnerable to business. Their depth and breadth of empirical experience have provided an extraordinary decision, communication and collaboration skills, essentially necessary traits to establish, lead and effectively contribute to any organization. These are the major capacities for adding new life and strategic vision to the struggling company, or which need to redefine or improve itself in the market.

Their bytes, which have the ability to think "the way out of the box" and prepare for many possible scenarios, enable them to find constructive, preemptive solutions for very complex problems and successfully implement them to produce high-performance results. Made it. He has successfully established beneficial relations with key strategic partners and has developed a strategic business plan for those companies that have consistently met or exceeded. He has been working with an adverse business environment while also helping to increase the performance.

As the founder and chief executive officer of Ibrahim cluster, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, J has spent the last 25 years in solving problems and increasing the lower lines of more than 10,000 clients across more than 400 industries worldwide. J has seen and disposed of every kind of business that you can imagine. And they have studied and resolved all kinds of business questions, problems, challenges and opportunities.

That which has been for others has been very successful. He has created thousands of success stories and has created himself in millions along with millions of others for himself. He gave birth to a whole generation of marketing consultants and experts, who would give him credit as his primary guardian as a result of his past mentor and advisory training programs. Nearly 2,000 websites refer to their impressive work on the Internet alone.

2. Mark Joyner is the # 1 best-selling author of more than a dozen books which has been translated into almost all languages. It is widely recognized as one of the earliest pioneers of e-commerce, which is responsible for inventing, pioneering and popularizing many of the techniques given today (Remote-hosted Advertising Tracking, Electronic Including books, integrated marketing, and more). .)

- A book ( shot # 1 within 36 hours of its release.

- Within six weeks of one of their releases, the planet became the 37th most visited website on the planet.

Prior to the e-books being common, their leading e-book (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded 1,000,000 times.

- In two years time, they changed the operation of one man in the multi-million dollar international corporation with customers in every Internet-connected country on the planet.

Other interesting facts about Mark Joyner
During the service of the American Army in Military Intelligence Corp, he obtained a bachelor's degree in science in psychology through independent study (he speaks Korean fluent graduate at the top of his class at Defense Language Institute).

Military intelligence is a Cold War veteran and a former US Army officer. He has captured a top secret SCI sanction (highest clearance level in the US) for many years.

Was honored for his military service by the US Army, the Korean Army, the Korean Consulate, and the President of the United States.

3. Dan Kennedy, a Phoenix-based entrepreneur - has achieved international recognition as a "millionaire-producer", helping people in dozens of different professions to transform their ideas into the fate
Entrepreneur magazine says that Dan Kennedy has "ideas for paying a minimum of 1 zero one paise for any business owner."

Dan Kennedy runs very easily from one very different region to another, working with clients in 62 different businesses, industries and businesses, earning $ 250,000.00 a month, which generates unusual direct-response advertising and direct Marketing advice, strategies, copywriting and marketing materials, video production and infomercials, and profit correction systems.

Kennedy's customers include everything from sole entrepreneur to giant corporation. Here are just a few examples - there is a couple of spouses who came to charity with an idea, mountain of debt, and unsuccessful advertising. Less than two years later, they have zero debt and a home-based mail-order business, which produces around $ 200,000.00 per month, about 40% profit margins. Or, now the Giant-Guthy-Renker Corporation, famous for its celebrity infomercials with the Infomercials of Victoria Principal and Wanna White, and its Tony Robbins. Guthi-Renker is now a $ 200 million + one-year business, and Dan is a key member of his brain trust since his very first infomercial (Think and Grow Rich). Or the U.S. Gold is a company that has doubled its sales with Dan Kennedy, has provided marketing success. And the list goes on and on.

Kennedy is the "hidden talent" behind the full-page Magazine ads, which you have undoubtedly seen, the direct-mail campaigns you have received and the TV infomercials you watched. All advertisements and direct-mail Dan prepare for their products, services, and businesses, there are hundreds of customers who use marketing materials, which Dan has prepared for them. His full-page advertisements appear in magazines like Ads Inc., Success, Entrepreneur, Moneymaking, Opportunities, National Business, Airline Magazine, Tabloids, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and countless business magazines. One of their customer's full-page advertisements is now in the 10th month, which appears in more than a dozen national magazines. In any given month, customers spend more than 1/2-million dollars in running ads, too much mailing sales letters, and still more and more infomercials that have developed charity.

And, Dan is one amongst the foremost fashionable, in-demand speakers on selling connected topics. Ironically, for a marketing guru, Kennedy gets almost all the customers without any marketing! Some people come to him by listening to him - in 1995, in his 5th year on tour with famous motivator ZIG ZIGLAR, he addressed more than 200,000 people, including thousands of viewers in many cities. Others come after reading and reading one of their books available in the bookstore, receive their newsletters or listen to their cassettes. But most are referred to him.

4. Whitley is the founder and president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. He has written books for the yank selling Association and also the yank Management Association. He wrote the only commercial book on PT Barnum, In A Customer Born Every Minute He also wrote the AMA Complete Guide to Small Business for the American Marketing Association. His most recent book, co-writer with Han Mok, The E-Code: 47 Secret for Making Money online is almost instant. Looking for his next book: Meet and Grow Rich!

He recently created a software program to help someone write better sales letters, articles, news releases, speeches, and even full books. This is called Hypnotic Writing Wizard. They also have a new membership program, which is serious about learning marketing at

Apart from being one of the five top marketing experts in the world today, and the world's first hypnotic writer, a certified hypnosis doctor, a certified spiritual therapist, a certified Chi Kung healer, and an ordained minister. He also holds a doctoral degree in Metaphysical Science and another doctoral degree in marketing.

5. Jeffrey Lant is a top achievement for a very long time. He published his first article at the age of 5. In a newspaper in the afternoon, he started his newspaper at the age of 10, sold the stock and yes, paid dividends! Even then media and communication surrounded him. This has never stopped!

His High School newspaper editor, editor of his class book, editor of the literary magazine, he also wrote a weekly column. This continued in college - and in this way, the awards were also accumulated.
Bachelor's degree with highest honors from University High School, Los Angeles, he graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with Soma Coordin (one of only 11). On the way, he spent his junior year at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, where he won the University Award in Philosophy and became the first American elected to the Student Representative Council.

In UCSB, she became the first Woodrow Wilson Fellow of the University and actively recruited more than 60 undergraduate schools, each providing them full doctoral fellowship. He chose Harvard, where he also became the winner of the Harvard Traveling Fellow, Harvard Teaching Fellow and Master Award for Special Achievement, both of which saw the path of graduation with both Master and Ph.D.
After receiving a bachelor's degree, he took a third postgraduate degree in Advanced Graduate Studies in the Higher Education Administration at Northeastern University, where he referred to his own published works (far too wide) in his class papers Became the first student.

After a tenure as Assistant to the President of Radcliffe College, Dr. Lant decided to set himself up. In 1976, he established a consulting practice for non-profit organizations and published his third book, Development Today: A Fund Rising Guide for Non-Profit Organization. (Previous books had dealt with the English Court Ceremonies at the age of Queen Victoria.) Entitled, Insubstantial Pageant: In Ceremonies and Confucian Queen Victoria Court, Dr. Lant became the first American American to be the first for the Royal Archives in Windsor Castle. The book deals with our memories of Harvard's famous Harvard tombs, including Dr. Lant.)

Development Today launched a busy consultation, international travel, workshops and direct assistance for hundreds of non-profit organizations nationwide. It also gave birth to a series of books that transform Dr. Lant into a millionaire and brought his detailed, hard-hitting, practical advice to people around the world. (For information about all the books of Dr. Lant, click here.)

By the way, Dr. Lant developed syndicated columns internationally on several hundred publications, a syndicated radio show on the Business Radio network and a string of special reports on specific business-building topics.

It may be released, but for the creation of the Internet and George Church and Sandy Hunter, a series of call-opening phone calls from two Edmonton-Alberta-based entrepreneurs who were ahead of their time. He Lant persuaded Edmonton to come and see the future - the Internet - for himself.

He has done. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What he saw in Edmonton in 1993, it was that anywhere in the world, the use of a computer and the Internet can provide unlimited amounts of information to people all over the world. In a moment, a glimpse of an idea took the form which is still evolving.

This new technology opened the chances of staying home and helping people around the world, without any cost! As a result of that trip, Worldprofit Inc., a company that has opened the Internet to business people around the world, who want to enter new markets across the universe and get born for their products and services!

These days Dr. Lant is still publishing the article as if he has been doing for 50 years, helping business people around the world understand how the Internet can benefit them.

6. Marlon Sanders, CEO of Higher Response Marketing, is a profitable internet marketer with a dozen internet marketing products and services in his name. He writes great advertising copy using his master's degree in psychology.

Marlon's merchandise and services sell merchandise like hell, Push Button Sales Letter, Associate Program Marketing Handbook, Gimme My Money Now, Amazing Aid Copy Secrets, which make your own products in a flash, how to make your web business Automate, Web Site Power System, Web Business Operations Manual, Speed Publicity Raj, Cash Like Clockwork System, Daily Stats Software Array and Ultimate Beginners Guide.

Marlon spoke at more than 120, $ 3,000 one-day marketing seminars and ordered $ 1000 per hour for consultation. His reseller program for The Amazing Formula is one of the top-rated systems on the Internet.

7. Corey Rudl (1970-2005) was an American marketing strategist, founder, and president of the Internet Marketing Center. He was also a writer, speaker, and software producer.

Rudal started his first online business in 1994, turning it into several million dollar businesses on the basis of internet marketing. In response to the demand for his advice, Corey founded the Internet Marketing Center, where he taught techniques and strategies that developed from his own experience. Their Internet Marketing Guide is sometimes described as "Internet Marketing Bible".

Rudolph's articles were published in publications like, US Small Business Administration, Direct Marketing Association, Marketing Professions, Opportunity World, Money 'N' Profits, DG-IT Now, and Home Science Journal.

Prior to introducing his business career, Rudolf was a motocross driver, who won the 2002 Vancouver Molson Indy Sports Car event.

On June 2, 2005, Porsche Karera powered by Roodle Benjamin Miles Keaton was riding in GT, on a track that was also being used by local Ferrari Sports Club. Keaton tried to avoid a linear car, hit a concrete block on the passenger side, causing Rudal to die.

8. Joe Robson, the owner of "The Newby Club" is a British and lives in the beautiful county of Yorkshire, England.

He is responsible for the overall publicity and marketing of The Newby Club, and many newbie clubs are deeply involved with their team with techies, writers, and designers, breaking the products and services.

Until 1998, he owned his own direct marketing company and is a professional advertising copywriter, who has 30 years of sales and marketing experience under his belt. He is widely accepted by many Internet marketers as one of the top cell copyists of the Internet, and his copy-writing solutions website is one of the most respected web copywriting tutorial websites on the Net.

One of their strengths is their ability to reduce high tech marketing copy, plainly understood plane in English. And he is an enthusiastic campaigner against the use of Zaragon in writing materials. Hence the birth of The Newby Club.

His copywriting and internet marketing articles and tutorials have been widely published throughout the web, and that is the Internet Copy Writing Blockbuster "Make Your Words Sale!" Including the author of several books. - MYWS - Co-authors with Ken Evoy of MYSS Fame

Which is a founding member of iCop - The International Council of Online Council is a highly respected organization dedicated to protecting Internet consumers from the dishonest behavior of unscrupulous internet marketers. He is conjointly a member of the iCop International consultive Council.

9. "Ivory is that the author of a series of wide publicized" best "e-commerce books on net and SOHO (Small work Home Office) and little businesses (1-10 employees) unit cell (or plan) To sell) product or services online. The SiteSell product line has empowered hundreds of people and small businesses around the world to succeed on the web.

A successful entrepreneur, Dr. Avoy has designed more than 23 products which have been sold internationally, making the production of $ 100 million in revenue for various companies. They developed several software products including one for the stock market area.

Dr. Ken Iwoy is also a Canadian doctor who had previously trained and practiced emergency medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was born in Montreal, Canada and has a degree in science and medicine from McGill University.

Dr. Avoy's business philosophy is to provide the best format available in the market and the best equipment and information available at the cheapest and most affordable price. He firmly feels that every small business can be given the right to use the Internet to take advantage of their income-building capability - whether it is to create an e-business, to increase existing offline business, or to secondary To create an income stream.

Keeping in mind that SiteSell has developed its website-building, hosting, e-marketing solution that provides real traffic and gives results equally to novice and general professionals. Some Call Site Build It! "Next Generation of Web Hosting."

Dr. Through the rigorous efforts and fanaticism of Avoy's quality and customer "over-delivery", the Sitesell brand is highly respected by the top influential internet business celebrities around the world.

10. Mail Stroke is the CEO of Jayde Online Network of Websites. Jayde Network currently includes 12 websites, including and, which are two of the most popular sites on the Internet.

"SiteProNews" is Associate in Nursing ezine for business house owners and data processor|information processing system} developers among that articles and recommendation unit obtained from your computer. SiteProNews (SPN) has more than 500,000 subscribers! "

One of the matching sites - GoArticles - is a hugely popular article directory where you can find free content for your website.

In addition to providing a great resource for webmasters looking for free content, the GoArticles site also offers writers with an excellent forum for promoting their articles. You can submit articles for free which will then be read and used by the owners of other websites.

ExactSeek is a fast growing search engine and directory and alternative advertising platform that gets more than 30,000 new presentations per day.

Dale King is the owner of - Ultimate Internet Marketing Resource!

The 10 Most Influential Internet Marketers (Part 1) The 10 Most Influential Internet Marketers (Part 1) Reviewed by MOR on February 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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