Top 10 List of Phenomenon Hotness

Top 10 List of Phenomenon Hotness

This article is exclusively going out for my fellow female gamers, Geeks and Nords. I took it on myself to make my first top ten list of pendant hotness. But this list is not for girls only. No, boys can take lessons from this too. (Suggestion: This is what we say that we like in our men.)

Now, before I even start really, let me tell you that I know that you have left the time. I and you should accept it. But this is my list. You can make your own, but it will not be as good or fun as mine, so identify and read it.

To begin with, I have consulted many sources in the research phase of this project, and in doing so, realized that there are some criteria that need me to be able to weigh and balance our options very well. .

Rule One: No Limit That's right, apart from the film and television show, I am including some books and video game characters. I am not ashamed to accept that my first real crush on Jason was from the planets of war.

Rule Two: No actor's name. It is unreasonable that Antonio Banderas is an attractive person in films, but in real life, he is an attractive actress. And how is it possible that the same person who is the silky smooth and dream voice of Pus is also the voice of bee in Nasonex advertisements? Something must be done differently, a line must be drawn. And besides, I do not know what people have names. I know Jason Bourne, not the actor's name, what's his face.

Rule three: Conversation. When the name of my Gall Pulse was mentioned, then there would be a certain amount of swoop to be mentioned. If the eyes do not go back, then the knee buckle, and saying "Oh Lord" (or about there), a smile is over their face, the man does not make the list.

Rule Four: Cross-section To equate as equitable as possible, and to utilize resources and time available to me, I came across as a very wide variety of women who had access to me.

Era: From 22 to 78

Marital status: Full range - Dating, Engagement, Married, Divorced (a friendly and 2 bitters), and Widow

Orientation: This is not the army, I asked. Three "full-time" bi (their word), an "active" bi-curious (which also means hell), two homosexuals, three gay people; And a clean dozen straight women grouped out the circle. 21 great minds, if my math is right. With confidence, I will not trust it, add it to yourself again.


Rule Five: The most important rule of all, the answers to each and every woman whose views were considered are the admirers of the generation we love and are dear. Our fans may be random, but we like our men.


But to warm you only, here is a list entitled "Run Run." Initially, 100 of them were probably, but I left it down while allowing time for AS space. Again, if your fictitious boyfriend has not made the list, then his statistics will give me the e-mail and he will be eligible for my next list. So, without further agitation, there is a sample of fine men, who sometimes cause 21 chicks, can not agree on making the top 10 unanimous:

Angel (David Boreanaz) shows Angel and Buffet the Vampire Slayer from TV

Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) from the movie Lord of the Rings

Boromir (Sean Bean) from the epic Lord of the Rings

Davey Rice from the novel and film jumper (Hayden Kristensen)

Dr. Yuri Xiavagao film Dr. From Zivago (Omar Sharif)

Hector film Troy (Eric Bana)

Henry "Indiana" Jones (Harrison Ford) from Indian Jones Movie Franchise

J.D. of the pic Thelma and Louise (Brad Pitt)

James Bond from the movie Casino Royale (Daniel Craig)

Jason Bourne (Matt Damian) from the novel and film franchise

King Leonidas from Graphic Novel and Film 300 (Gerard Butler)

Kit from "The Phantom" Walker Movie The Phantom (Billy Zane)

Lendo from the movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Billy D Williams)

Logan, comic book, cartoon, video game and aka Wolverine of the X-Men Movie Franchisee (Hugh Jackman)

Nathaniel "Hawkeye" Movie Mickens' Last Time (Daniel Day-Lewis)

Nick freewoman from the pic Silver Dream Racer (David Essex)

Odyssey for TV movie The Odyssey (Armand Assante)

Vampire Slayer from Ozzy Buffet (Seth Green)

The private trip from Film Glory (Denzel Washington)

The relay from the movie Land of the Dead (Simon Baker)

Robert "Rob" from Roy MacGregor film Rob Roy (Liam Neeson)

Sir William Thatcher, aka Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein of Gelderland from the film A Nights Tale (Heath Ledger)

Sky Captain Film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Jude Law)

Anastas, from the movie Last of the Molinas (Eric Schweg)

Wesley, aka The Dread Pirate Roberts Book and Movie the Princess Bride (Carrie Alves)

Winchester Bros., Sam, and Dean from the TV show SuperNaturals (Jared Padalecki and Jenson Ackles)

Now that you saw who did not make a list, then here are the real winners, those lucky hot dogs who have included this list:

Top Ten List of Phenomenon Hotness

10. Lacroix, from Forever Night TV series (Nigel Bennett) He was our first glance at a real platinum blonde vampire, and honestly, who has done it better? He was demonic imprisonment, incredible, unpredictable, and right down to the evil. But we love women with their velvety smooth voice, which they used to send bits of threats, advice as a radio disc jockey on their jobs, or sometimes the warning that was listening. Viva Lacroix!

9. Richard D. From Reading, books, cartoons, video games, and movies (Win Diesel). The bald bad boy we love does not matter how he is presented to us! Are there a media that "does not dare to love me or you have to hurt like everyone else" has not won yet? He has got a rigid body and deep, sexy, serious voice. He is a person who only wants his personal freedom, but never at the cost of others. He is the lone and the last of his kind but is not ready to accept his sadness or his mercy. He is not afraid of anything and there will be no pressure on the danger involved. Good as a friend, if he is an enemy then nobody is safe. Bonus points, Actor Win Decel is a tough, old school, traditional pen, and paper gamer.

8. Raslinen, enough animated for the Dragons book series and recently for a straight DVD movie. As a traveling companion, he was not the best, liked to be alone and used to read his spelling book rather than incinerating the night camp. His nature was hot and cold and he was always quick to point out the flaws in everything. Her health was poor and she was not able to travel fast, march or fight a long time. But he was terribly powerful and it was worth knowing that you can hack his way in his heart. He was devoted to his brothers and went up and forth for his sake. In contrast to Alric, Raistlin is a protector. Sadly, the writer wisely and the Hickmann will never bring back our beloved beloved life, but we can always dream and hope that the economy will change in such a way that they really need money.

7. Richard "Rick" O'Connell of the Mummy Film Franchise (Brandon Frishers) As the outer part of the nail dies a hard daredevil with a cuff, Rick has a soft, romantic, Gooi center. His smile has a boyhood and face. He takes pressure in a realistic and prudent style, screams at the problem of emptying his clips or charges his face blindly. Rick is not basically a criminal, though he has done some discreet work. However, once he is committed to a mission, he remains locked on the goal until the work is finished. Dear skip, Dedicated husband, protective father, Rick O'Connell is a winning deal!

6. Ahmad ibn Fadlan ibn al-Abbas ibn Rashid ibn Hamad, or plain old "Ibn" for its Nawab Viking companions, this dark-eyed Arab scholar top drawer (Antonio Banderas) is. He was a poet from the profession who was exiled to the lady who he only loved to participate in the very real and very dangerous adventure. He is one of those people he can not belong to, he can not understand the customs, he is barely speaking a language which he is forced to learn - it is completely in that country where he Has not traveled too. Although the book (Enter of the Flesh) is wonderful in itself, observing our large man on the big screen (13th warrior), battling adversity and adhering to his soft and weak soul while making his way against obstacles . all the more.


5. Roy Batty, Film Blade Runner and Book Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep? (Rutger Hahr) She was young, platinum blonde, clean bare cheat, and filled with so much heat and desire and a lust for life that nothing was holding her. He cared deeply for his girl, Pris, and wanted his kind, replica, everybody wants the chance to live He was a freedom fighter, and like so many people, he died for what he believed in.


4. Tier Anasazi, from the TV show Jean Roddenberry K: Andromeda (Keith Hamilton Cobb). Oh God. "Hot" also does not start to cover it. He is a stubborn, passionate, a brooder, and a set of powerful weapons that will not embrace you so much because he will cover your quiver body. Mmmmm.


3. Spike, from the TV show Buffett the Vampire Slayer (James Marchers) Josh Wheaton, did "dark" justice. She is really talented, who removes the pain on the characters you love. Spike was the proper part of his pain and heartache. A poet and Mama's boy in life, poor William became "William the Bloody" when he became a vampire, and later nicknamed himself "Spike". She smiles more than a slim British accent, flowing platinum blonde hair, satanic green eyes, and a smile when she turns her pearly white. Spike was a work in progress, a tried and true original bad guy who had become a trusted friend and associate for years, but was very lucky for the woman but used to take the oath to destroy her kind. It is a living example that a bad boy can change and still maintain his poor ass position. Even when he loved the woman whom he loved, he left the cold to become a better man for him, he stood on his land, did not return to his past, rather above it Got up and became a better person for this.


2. Leon Scott Kennedy of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4, Video Game It was less than the dream, completely drawn hunk, the unanimous hand of the favorite. The poor, beloved Leon does not get the chance to speak it often in this first-person shooter, but his voice is as intimate as the bedsheet. In RE: 2 they only saw the Police Department of Rackon City. This is his first day at work and after moments, he is an infectious zombie breakout that goes from bad to the bad situation quickly as soon as possible. Later RE: 4 Leone is now working on a top secret, high pay, official post as a hard experienced government agent. The first day of this job, he is sent to rescue the president's daughter, who was last seen in a remote Latvian country. And son-A-gun, then it will not know, the zombies and the worse are moving around the hills too. Fortunately, Leon is nothing if motivated, committed, and working from an endless reserve of endurance. You wonder how much of his life really is endurance.

And lastly, Hottest, the most desirable and wanted man in Hottest is all these Fondics:

1. Thomas Wright of the series of Dresden files, series of books. Thomas began to walk on the character, who did his work in the hearts of fans of books. These days Thomas is now popular as the main character, Harry Dresden. Thomas is a vampire of White Court, or originally incubus. But instead of acquiring his livelihood towards helpless victims, he becomes fearless and receives death, he is responsible. See, Thomas loves a woman with whom he can not live and yet he remains loyal. Instead of drying his mind after the woman's drying of her life, which gives an essay through the acts of bending obsession, she only takes a nap here and as a barber where she is eccentric, cute gay The Frenchman is known as Thomas. When women's hair is not washed or LARPing as a vampire in the Vampire LARP, Thomas Brother is failing with the forces of evil with Harry Dresden. And when Harry did not fight with the encroachment bound with darkness, he got out of his own self, was fighting against a complete 'nutritional layer' of evil in a demonic war. An upcoming novel explains to all and hopes that it will be the catalyst for the forthcoming spin-off of their own book series. (Let's start by writing women's writing campaigns!)

Well, that's my top ten picks of pandemic hotness. I have noticed a shocking trend that what we go for - Vampiric, Bayern Action Hero, originally blonde, well-troubled, a little dangerous, but eventually devoted to his female love.

Top 10 List of Phenomenon Hotness Top 10 List of Phenomenon Hotness Reviewed by MOR on February 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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