A Brief History Of Sports Photography

A Brief History Of Sports Photography

The history of sports photography is entirely related to the trends of sports to gain popularity in human history. From the beginning of the 1800, the technology of photography went further in the border and supported an emerging media, sports journalism.

Art athletics and the inspiration of the game can certainly be seen in the works of the ancient Greek masters of sculpture, although this type of expression was not prevalent in the places of the modern game unless wet-collodion and dry-plastic processes were invented. happened. These procedures were allowed for posted studio images on glass plates and tin-types, but 'stop-action' images were not 'fast enough' for what we are seeing today.

A Brief History Of Sports Photography

Since the 19th century was approaching, in the 1880 the scientific momentum studies of athletes were produced in action in the United States and Germany, the technique still not considered on the playing field. It all changed with the advancement of photography and sports magazines in the last part of the century. As soon as the first sports magazines started to appear around 1900, the public was more interested in the game image, often involving players' images on the victims of tennis green, golf or wild sport.

Initially, the country's initial contribution in the history of photography was more concerned with the activities of the elite, but by the end of World War I, readers of sports magazines were interested in professional athletes of American baseball and tennis. Most of these early images were key players in the situations of Pose, who gave a sense of action. Baseball players were put in the plate with a bat in hand, the teams were lined up for group shots and even further, although the 'action' shot was still not widely seen.
In the 1930s, more and more images of athletes were visible in magazines, helped in their growth through the camera system, allowing photographers to get up to 1/1000th of a second speed. It gave the path to the highlighting styles of athletic activity and blurred themes suggesting 'stop-action' images. Photographers began to adopt signature styles and the popularity of the genre grew rapidly as the public began to expect the enthusiasm to see their favorite athletes 'action'.

A Brief History Of Sports Photography

In 1954, Sports Illustrated - Harassed digestion of sports and athletics - which premiered, and suddenly the status of being a sports photographer caught more people. Magazine highlighting the art of art and the need for those practicing it, highlighting the events that happen around the world and professional and amateur athletes. Up to this point, the technology had caught with the demand of small, compact single lens reflex (SLR) cameras with low demand, and with a fast shutter speed introduced in models. The history of sports photography is strongly linked to the lens technology, as well, the photographer was upgraded to provide a wide choice of ways to compress perspective and use depth of field to dramatic effect.

A Brief History Of Sports Photography A Brief History Of Sports Photography Reviewed by MOR on March 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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