Think and grow rich: Book review

Think and grow rich: Book review

It is for whom: This book is a must-read book for anyone and anyone who wants to succeed in life. It's a bit dated, but its theories are timeless.

Readability: Higher is for reading relatively less, which should be read several times to permit the reader to reflect on the information presented.

Think and grow rich: Book review

What we liked about this: This book is one of the few books I have read. To say that provides valuable value for money, it is an understanding. The author covers so many topics so intensely and vividly, the content requires focusing on the ideas and concepts presented to us, sometimes more often. I find the book effective in inspiring both a reflection and a special action on the part of the reader's mind. I can say that anyone who has read this book has, in some way, felt a change in his life.

What I did not like about this: the title. This book goes way on the far side the thought of cash. It is about how we think and how we should use our energy. A more appropriate title is that what you think and believe to get.

Where to find it:

Amazon @ $ 8.99

Amazon India @ 75

"Think and Grow Rich" The Guide to Sets and Acts Set That cause Success

I can not just summarize the book because it will be a message from the author. Details are so systematic that it keeps the reader bound. The focus is on:

The power of our thoughts, and
We have the potential
Hill is often seen with reference to Carnegie in the book because it is the person who inspired Hill to dedicate most of his life to discover and communicate the concepts of managing our lives and thoughts of our thoughts.

The following three topics in the book are the most resonant with me:

* The Power of Thought

* Power of subconscious

* Power of purpose

1. Power of thought: we are what we think. Our thoughts influence how we see the world and how we see ourselves. As a result, our thoughts have a lot of impact on how we feel and how much energy we have to face action or situation. Our thoughts make us less or more sensitive and sensitive to people around us, situations and people. Hill said that it extends to the physical world:

Thoughts = Things

2. The power of the subconscious: Where do you find your best ideas? I can almost guarantee you that this is not the case when you are at work. We usually get our best ideas when we do not deliberately think about the problem we are trying to solve or the idea with which we are trying to come.

Eureka moment rarely happens when we are "working hard", but when we are doing "hard work".

Unfortunately, the way of our life invites you to invite us to ignore the power of the subconscious mind and the breathing room, we need to give it at some point. To feed your subconscious, we need to give it to us:

Need to work through raw materials (including the clear picture of what problem or opportunity we are trying to address)
Not a little time pressure, and
No attention, because it does its job.

Think and be rich,

When we take time to relax, play or engage in others' conversation with others (including mastermind groups), learn about the experiences of the lives of others, then we use the powerful subconscious Make room for. Magic? We can not come in a conscious way to build relationships with the ideas that provide solutions.

The author tells this:

"You can not control your subconscious mind completely, but you can voluntarily hand it over to any plan, desire or purpose, which you want to change in solid form." (Page 198)

3. Power of purpose: deep, we know what we want and need to be done in the long term. This crystal cannot be clear, but we have a good idea of the direction that we want to move forward. Unfortunately, rationality, self-justification, and suspicion leads us to a second estimate or to explain it away, for our crisis.

Here is a quote from the book:

"People who are not successful have a special quality. They know all the reasons for failure and they have the confidence to be air-tight alibis to overcome their lack of achievement." (Page 249)
When we focus on that we know what we need to do, then we can easily set up an action plan and do it further. We feel motivated, vibrant, passionate. We have the energy to invest in ourselves and others. We have the energy to grow in the form of a person. We learn what we need to know to be successful, we should know what others say. We ignore naysayers and objections. We are eager and engaged.

Purpose = A Filled Life as a Guide

And yes, the author talks about money and provides many concrete tools and references so that we can introspect quickly and take clear action. But I think we can all appreciate the comprehensive insights shared, which also work to help us in that aspect of our lives. To learn more about the concepts of money within it, I would suggest reading Chapter 2 of the title "Desire", "Thirty-One Major Cause" and "Fear of Poverty" section in the middle of the book.

Get Rich Enrich - How to Attract Anything in Life

* Check out this amazing website

Think and grow rich: Book review Think and grow rich: Book review Reviewed by MOR on April 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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