Search Engine Results & Keyword Researching

Search Engine Results & Keyword Researching

Search Engine Results & Keyword Researching

Okay, so it's been a while. How good, again? let's go.

Have you ever made strategies to do long-tailed keywords and keyword research efficiently? So personally I think that you develop your personal technique that works and although you find that your keywords are good, as long as it really works. 

There are 3 free tools here that I use for both short and long-tail keywords.


This website is awesome. In the website, you are the most essential tool for bloggers, internet marketers, SEO, etc. It is from devices such as Spider-View Checker, Keyword Suggestion Tool, Alexa Rank Checker and all other types of accessories. Okay, before I go ahead, I should admit that I should not work after telling you about the devices I listed. Check them out, because you may need to find a separate program or website for these other items. Okay, the tool I use is a bulk PA DA checker.

This is a search engine results page service and it is powered by Moz's Mozscape, which provides: domain authorization, page authorization, and backlinks. First of all, Mozscape is not cheap. For someone like you, who works 9-5 and comes with zero extra money, I die for $ 250-month for the mosaic copy. Using it will help you find a hold on the type of competition within SERP and see whether the keywords are actually those that you want to move forward, or try or pass for the following keywords. Make sure that you focus on the page authorization, however, Google is not used for ranking, so you will know how good the pages are in the SERP.

2) Google Tips

Listen, you've probably already read it one million times through someone else's blog post, type your keyword in the search bar and see the related questions. These are questions that others feel that Google thinks that your typing query is related to that time, check them out.

Do you know where this is going? Yes, below that Google SERP See also on IT, more suggestions mean more suggestions. More combinations mean better numbers, which can give better numbers a better chance of ranking. It's always a number game, and you want many numbers, trust me. Make sure you've got it: Keyword KG. It gives you approximate search volume statistics and relative competition, which will help you quickly analyze the word (s) if you are able to carry it forward.


What is actually LSIgraph? Originally another keyword generator tool with a fancy name. You can basically say the same about what Google suggests, but different software I searched a little quick and it gives some good information. This tool is good for you to target different keywords and think more deeply.

I know that there are absolutely free tools which I have forgotten or have not talked about. Below are some of my most prestigious mentions web pages, which are free, but eventually you have to buy them.


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Search Engine Results & Keyword Researching Search Engine Results & Keyword Researching Reviewed by MOR on May 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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